Many nations are coping not only with teacher shortages, but also with the challenge of updating the knowledge and skills of their existing teaching force. Expectations for teachers are continually increasing. Teachers are asked to learn new content, pedagogies, and technology tools. National and regional teacher education associations around the world are working individually to address these issues, but would benefit from collaboration with other associations that are facing similar challenges. To address this need, a group of teacher education associations have come together to form a worldwide federation of associations of teacher education.
It is the mission of the World Federation of Associations of Teacher Education to build a global community of teacher educators and to promote trans-national collaboration, support, and research and development in teacher education.
- To establish a worldwide community for teacher education
- To promote the development of teacher education associations throughout the world by:
- Creating cooperative networks between teacher education associations
- Sharing information, resources and expertise
- Supporting countries and regions in developing teacher education institutions
- To represent the interests of teacher education associations to international bodies and organizations
- To provide equitable educational opportunities by promoting quality teacher education throughout the world